Małgorzata Waszkiewicz

Małgorzata Waszkiewicz

Foot Artist | Poland

Małgorzata Waszkiewicz was born on 3 July 1973 in Poland. Born disabled, Cerebral Palsy left quite visible traces, namely total paresis of the upper limbs and slurred speech. In this situation, she was left to use her feet since childhood. She graduated from elementary school, and in 1998, at the instigation of a colleague, she began her adventure with painting. Thus joining VDMFK in 1999.

She has been cooperating with the “Amun” Publishing House since 1999. Painting is a way of life for Małgorzata. She is also a poet. Małgorzata uses painting to helping others. This is still the case today. She had several individual and group exhibitions. She is also a part of many charity activities, donating her works to people in need of help. “I think it is great to give joy to others.”

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