Shankar Lakhe

Mouth Artist


Shankar Lakhe


Shankar Lakhe was born on 3rd December 1978 at a village in Lakhangaon, Maharashtra. After completion of his 10+2, he joined the Indian Army In 1997. Shankar suffered spinal cord injury, fracture and dislocation while performing active military duty, leaving him paralyzed neck down for the rest of his life.

In January 2006, Shankar joined the Paraplegic Rehabilitation center Khadki, in Pune. In 2019, he got inspired by the MFPA artists there and started painting using his mouth. Shankar’s interest grew towards painting with his mouth.  Shankar is a provisional student artist of MFPA since September 2021.
He says mouth painting gives him immense pleasure and calmness, which is very different from the military experience. Shankar joined MFPA as a student member in 2022.