Cody Tresierra

Mouth Artist


Cody Tresierra


Cody Tresierra was born on 12 September 1960. At the age of nineteen, he was involved in a motor vehicle accident which he survived, however with major injuries, but left him paraplegic. During his hospital stay, he had already made his first attempt at painting as a part of his rehabilitation. It was there that he realized that painting was not only a form of therapy but something that gave him a sense of personal accomplishment.

Therefore, he continued to devote himself to painting with his mouth and to art in general. Other than painting, music, films and sports are his other hobbies. In 1986 Cody Tresierra received a scholarship from the association. Ten years later he received Associate Membership status. In the year 2000, he became a Full Member of the AMFPA. Today he displays his works at numerous exhibitions mainly in his home province of British Columbia. He has also shown his paintings at several exhibitions sponsored by the association.