Marthe-Angele Janssens

Mouth Artist


Marthe-Angele Janssens


Marthe Angele Janssens was born tetraplegic. She was born on February 21, 1937,  in Heikruis. She nevertheless attended primary school, where she learnt to draw with a pen in her mouth. She became passionate about mouth painting and perfected her technique through in-home courses and private painting lessons. For ten years she studied under a well known Belgian sculptor. In 1967 she received a Scholarship from the Association and in 1971 she became a Full Member of the VDMFK. Her never-ending wish to educate herself enriches her life. She even took lessons in portraiture for several years.

Marthe Angele Janssens paints in oil and watercolour and her favourite subjects are landscapes, expressive cloud formations and celestial atmospheres. Her oil paintings are characterised by great artistic sensitivity. Using watercolour, she paints flowers and distant snowy landscapes. Marthe has exhibited her works in Brussels and has taken part in group exhibitions at homeland and abroad. She furthermore worked on illustrations for five books on poetry for children and three for adults which were written by Jean-Louis Vanham. She also gives drawing lessons to kids of 8 to 10-year-olds in a local primary school. She has already opened her second painting studio.