
Diyas for Home Décor

MFPA brings to you a collection of unique and decorative diyas online. The diyas are available in sets of four. Each set of diyas is of its own kind. They are classified into two broad categories, namely, the Matki and Tulsi diyas. Make the Festival of Lights brighter by purchasing colourful diyas online from MFPA. They have been made with a lot of love by foot artist Bandenawaz Nadaf. They are designed with detail and precision and add life to the festive season.

Beautiful Diyas for home

Diyas are a huge part of traditions, customs and festivals in many cultures. They ignite the hope of happiness and prosperity wherever they are lit. MFPA’s collection of diyas are beautiful and apt for any festive occasion. This collection will make even something as simple as a rangoli look elegant. Whether they are used to beautify a show piece set up in your house or a rangoli, these diyas work wonders and bring in the wow factor to any decor.

Type of Diyas available

Make your Diwali, that is, the Festival of Lights and prosperity, stylish and elegant by decorating your house with MFPA’s collection of diyas. The diyas come with the wax which makes them fitter utility wise. These decorative diyas have two types, that is, they are available in two shapes. The shapes, as mentioned earlier, are Matki and Tulsi. Under the Matki shape, MFPA has a collection of three beautiful designs, accessible in three distinct colours, namely, blue, green and yellow. Under Tulsi, there are four decorative diyas available. MFPA’s Tulsi diyas have four colours- red, yellow, blue and green. Each colour carries its own symbolism and value and brings about its own benefits. Selecting the right colour of diya is also crucial for deciding the kind of vibrations one wants to be generated in their homes. For instance, the colour blue is ideally symbolic of calmness and trust. For most it represents intelligence, stability and freedom. In mythology, the deep blue waters sensitivity and intuition. These virtues are life enriching. Therefore, if one purchases MFPA’s a set blue (matki or tulsi) diyas, they will be welcoming freedom of thought and an influx of optimism and intelligence.

As one must already be knowing, red is the colour of love, passion and courage. It serves as a sight for sore eyes since it renders excitement, energy and confidence to the viewer. It also warns us of impending danger. Therefore, it is used in traffic signals, stop signs and fire engines. Hence, it protects us. It also tends to stimulate one’s levels of excitement and energy. It is symbolic of power. Mainly, it also serves as a colour of luck. Therefore, if one chooses to purchase a red diya from MFPA, they would be inviting love, protection and energy to their homes.

The colour of warmth and happiness, that is, yellow can brighten any dull day. In many cultures it is symbolic of wisdom, intelligence and enlightenment. It is the most luminous colour out of all the spectrum colours and is considered to be the most eye-catching. It is a sign of caution and is associated with deities in many religions and cultures. In Hinduism, yellow is considered to be sacred. Hence, on purchasing yellow diyas from MFPA, we let in the sunshine, wit and spirituality into our homes.

Green is symbolic of new beginnings and evolution. It brings along a string of optimistic vibrations along with it. It is often associated with money, rebirth and revitalisation. Scientific studies have proved that it stimulates an increase in creativity. It serves as a visual stress buster and causes the body to relax. The colour is frequently used to represent balanced, healthy and youthful. It is connected with working towards one’s goals and aspirations. Therefore, if one purchases a green diya set from MFPA, they provide a home for fresh starts and positivity.

Home décor ideas with MFPA Diya

Diwali is the one time of the year when we all take out time from our busy work schedules and every day’s hustle bustle to make sure every nook and corner of our homes are spotless. Decorating our homes and filling them with the light of diyas is a major concept of the Festival of Lights. Welcome the light of happiness and prosperity in style to your homes this year. There are an indefinite number of ways to embellish your home with MFPA’s collection of decorative diyas. Whether one wants to go for a simple or complicated decor, there is an option for everyone. Here are a few ideas and tips:

Flowers are a part of almost each and every Indian tradition since years immemorable. Nothing can go wrong with a beautiful and simple circular marigold (or any other yellow flower) flower rangoli. This rangoli can be bordered with MFPA’s Red Tulsi Diya. This will comply with the simple yet elegant theme of the decor. One can also follow the above design by using a bunch of vivacious red flowers for the rangoli and bordering it with the Yellow Tulsi Diya.

A beautiful, colourful rangoli at the threshold of one’s home, assuring the guest that they are stepping into a home full of positive vibrations and love, is always welcome and appreciated. To add to this rangoli a range of multi coloured diyas can be placed at the centre of the rangoli and other spots in accordance with the design. MFPA’s Matki Diya collection is perfect for any floral and flamboyant rangoli.

There are plenty of options available if one wants to go for a showier and more elegant rangoli. A huge rangoli can be made using a specific colour combination of 2-3 colours. For example, red and black. Two brass bowls of water with flowers floating in them can be placed on a pair of parallel sides. Then to bring in the wow factor of the entire design, the Red Tulsi Diyas can be placed on the remaining parallel sides, adorning the rangoli with light and elegance.

If one is a fan of recycling and loves to find new ways to prevent objects from landing up in the bin, there is an option for that too. Any old jars or bottles can come in handy for Diwali home decor. In accordance with the colour of the walls and lights put up, one can select a diya from the varied and exquisite collection of decoration diyas made by MFPA and place them carefully inside the jars or bottles. This makes a beautiful show piece and when placed on any table or next to rangolis, adds elegance to the decor of the house.

Another lovely way of adorning one’s house with the light of diyas is by making grids or circles with Matki Diyas and then placing a Tusli Diya in the middle of the pattern. For some extra fillers, one can sprinkle rangoli powder in between the spaces.

For more tips and references one can check out websites like diwali-diya-decoration.

Making of these Diyas

Like every festive item, MFPA’s collection of decorative diyas have been designed with the hope that these diyas will spread joy, happiness and bring about prosperity wherever they are lit, whether it is your workplace or home. Each diya is unique and beautiful in itself. The tremendous amount of love, thought and passion put into crafting each set of diyas is evident. Therefore, these diyas give out extremely optimistic vibrations and it is difficult to select which one to purchase for each of the sets are beautiful on their own. What makes MFPA’s collection stand out from other diyas available online is the fact that the artists are specially abled. Due to some dire accident or birth defect, they have either lost their hands or completely lost their ability to use them. The diyas have been designed and decorated by the artists by clenching the brush between their teeth or holding it between their toes. MFPA works towards making these artists self sufficient.

Empowerment and independence is essential in order to lead a secure and peaceful life. Therefore, MFPA’s goal is to make these specially abled artists economically and socially secure. The artists are struggling to attain an optimistic approach towards life due to the mis happenings in their life. Hence, each purchase made from MFPA helps to further empower these artists and provide them with security and make their dreams, hopes and aspirations for a better life become a reality. Through this, the artists will be able to attain self respect and provide for their basic necessities and lead a happy life.

Quality and material used

MFPA’s is the ideal collection of diyas for environment lovers since these diyas are eco friendly and sturdy. They are made of clay which is sustainable and bio degradable. The clay diyas have been painted and then shaped into two different shapes. They have then been decorated with lovely gems, beads and rhinestones. The diyas are perfect for the festive season.

Diyas Price
Matki Diya Blue (With Wax) ₹595
Matki Diya Green (With Wax) ₹595
Matki Diya Red (With Wax) ₹595
Matki Diya Yellow (With Wax) ₹595

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