The must-have work-from-home collection for your desk!

  • MFPA Spotlight, MFPA Spotlight
  • 10 min read

Since lockdown was first declared in march 2020, even now several months later many corporate offices have not been able to resume normal in office work schedules and the corporate world too like others have been relying on work from home culture.
With the home and office being operating from the same space now, it is now the top priority of many working professions to make their home space work friendly too.
A lot of office chairs accompany comfy bean bags now, many work tables sit beside the dressing table now. With changing times, priorities, change in schedules, workplaces etc your home set up too needs a bit of change. Now your workplace too needs to fit in your home space. Not too much, just corner with a tidy, warm, organized and bright worktable and chair will make your work from home experience very smooth and comfortable.

Many school children’s parents have a study table at home for their child. Study tables are not just to prevent the child from getting distracted during studying, but also keep all school stuff in one place and avoid losing or getting things scattered all over the place. Study tables have also proven to be good for children for concentration during studying. And a work table is also essential for the same reasons as a school table.

These office desk accessories, offered by MFPA can be used in office as well as on your work from home desk. These office accessories ensure the easy and seamless flow of your work. These desk accessories by MFPA not only make your work from home life easy but also beautify your work table. Shop these office table accessories by MFPA today and make your work from home life easier and prettier.
Here we at MFPA understand the requirements of a work from home culture and hence bring to you MFPA specially curated products that help you make your work from home experience enjoyable and comfortable.
Mouth and foot painting artists is an internationally recognized organisation, proudly running with the motto of ‘self –help not charity’. MFPA trains specially abled artists in mastering their art and gives them the platform to earn a respectful livelihood and the true worth of their unimaginable talent. MFPA artists are people who have lost their hands or feet either due to a birth deformity or facing an unfortunate accident, leaving them with broken dreams. These specially abled artists paint holding a brush in their mouth or feet. These artists poses unimaginable talent and spirit.

Their desire to earn not only a decent livelihood but also, confidence, and recognition of their true worth is what makes them superheroes. These artists are a true source of inspiration to all of us.
MFPA is a platform where these artist’s products are sold. Not just paintings but a lot of products have been reprinted or have been inspired by these artist’s art and sold by MFPA.
Our specially curated range of WFH products have the beautiful artworks of the MFPA artists on them. When you purchase MFPA products you also support these specially abled artists to live a respectful life.
Here are a few ideas, do’s and don’ts to give you the best WFH experience.
All the things that are needed to ease your work from home process are found in one place now, MFPA!
Keeping bright and colourful things around us also motivate us while work.
All these office products are must-have products from IMFPA and their necessary for an easy and relaxed work flow at home too.

Why is having a worktable at home necessary?

  1. Having a work desk at home saves the entire home and its other rooms from being filled up with office stuff as all office work is placed on one desk. All important documents, files, laptop etc have a place now.
  2. You don’t lose any important file, as all office stuff is at one place you do not have to search the entire home for a single file, you know you will find all office stuff at one place now.
  3. Posture- it is medically proven that you need to keep a specified proper posture during working on a laptop to prevent body aches and for better health. Having a proper chair and table will benefit your health and prevent back, eye, neck, spine strains.
  4. Attractive- by making your work place more attractive and welcome, work will seems like a lesser burden and you will look forward to it.
  5. Having a safe and tidy background and place to attend online meetings nowadays in very essential to avoid embarrassing situations like getting disturbed mid meeting with a pressure cooker whistle, or a toilet flush, or a door bell, or even your cook peeping from behind!
    Hence, having a work desk at home is more than advisable. To make your work desk rocking, attractive, work friendly, affordable and beautiful check out MFPA’s latest work desk accessories collection and you can either set up your new work from home desk and start afresh or revamp your old work desk by giving it a new and attractive makeover!
    These office desk accessories, offered by MFPA can be used in office as well as on your work from home desk. These office accessories ensure the easy and seamless flow of your work. These desk accessories by MFPA not only make your work from home life easy but also beautify your worktable. Shop these office table accessories by MFPA today and make your work from home life easier and prettier.

The setup of a desk for a hassle free work from home experience.
It is very essential that you have a comfortable work from home setup at your home for a hassle free day at work.

  1. Organized work desk. The first and the most important aspect for a hassle free day of work is the organisation. The work desk needs to be organized well with all things one will require in place. An organized desk will not only look tidy to your eyes but also in online meetings etc and moreover organization helps save time. If everything is kept on the desk ready you will not lose time searching or finding for items.
    To help you organize your work desk MFPA brings to you these products,
    • Pen stand or pen holder for desk – to keep all your pens or any other stationary ready in this MFPA pen stand is necessary. No one would want to miss an important point in the meeting busy searching for a pen. Hence, pen stands or penholders are very essential to keep your desks organized and so that you can easily grab any stationary, you want during an important meeting.
      MFPA brings to you some beautiful, vibrant and spacious pen stands to keep your stationary together and your desk organized.
    • Notebooks- notebooks and diaries too should be kept handy to immediately jot down any important information you want during a meeting. Having a diary will save you the embarrassment of forgetting or missing out on any important points, ideas, deadlines etc.
      MFPA brings to you these lovely diaries and notebooks to help you get yourself organized.
      MFPA brings to you printed beautiful notebooks which you will surely fall in love with.
    • Desktop Calendar – desktop calendars are a must have on your work desks. Even though today smart phone have replaced calendars, and many other gadgets But still it is best to have a desktop calendar on your work desk. Sometimes when you are on an important call and want to refer to the calendar it is best to have a tiny calendar sitting at your desk for your comfort.
      And what could be better if the desktop calendar also adds to the aesthetics of your desk.
      MFPA brings to you these lovely desktop calendars with beautiful prints on each page which have been reproduced from an MFPA artists painting have been made by mouth or foot.
      The beautiful print on each page will not only add colour to your desk but also beauty.
  2. Ready to work.
  3. You should be ready to work as soon as you sit at your work desk, keep your laptop and phone and any other equipments fully charged and ready to work to avoid the embarrassing sudden exit from a meeting due to low charging laptop shutdown. Making sure the pens at the desk aren’t dried out or low on ink. Make sure all your important work files, pen drives etc are all ready on your desk. Your desk is presentable and tidy.

    • Pens – the most important thing on your desks are pens. Have a couple of pens ready at your desk.
      MFPA brings your specially curated elegant pens which will not only give you a smooth and hassle free writing experience but also add an elegant touch to your desk.
    • Memo pads – memo pads are also an essential part of your work life, for all those rough drafts, or running notes memo pads should be there for your rescue.
      MFPA brings to you a range of memo pads with beautiful prints inspired by amazing paintings from MFPA artists artwork.
  4. Happy and aesthetic desk
  5. With all the necessary and work stuff now setup on your work table it is also important that it is a happy place to work and also not compromising on your comfort. Your workplace should emit good vibes and positivity and also be attractive.

    • Desk painting- having a small beautiful desk painting at the work desk boosts the aesthetic value of the work desk and also makes you feel good every time you look at it.
      MFPA brings to you a range of desktop paintings specially curated to beautify your work desks. These lovely paintings are sure to catch your eye. These paintings are made by MFPA artists either with their mouth or foot. With so many themes of paintings available at MFPA something is sure to catch your eye!
    • Coffee mugs – coffee mugs are a very essential item in offices, people prefer special types and sizes of coffee mugs and love having a coffee break or working through sipping coffee. And you can too choose from a range of beautiful coffee mugs offered by MFPA. MFPA coffee mugs have been imprinted with beautiful paintings made by specially abled MFPA artists.
    • Coasters – along with your hot steaming coffee you also need coasters to protect anything from falling and contaminating your coffee. These coasters can be used for two purposes firstly the coasters can be used to put on the coffee mug to protect your beverage from any dust or contaminants and secondly the coaster can be put on the table and then the coffee mug can be put on it, this will prevent any stains on your table.
      Check out MFPA’s collection of coasters and add them to your work desk accessories. They will not only do their work to protect your coffee and the table but their presence will also beautify your workspace.

MFPA understands the value to a comfortable work from home set up hence it has brought a collection of office desk accessories that not only help you work from your home with ease but also make sure your workplace is an aesthetic and bright place to work.
All the things that are needed to ease your work from home process are found in one place now, MFPA! These MFPA office products also make amazing gifts for your working family members or friends!
Keeping bright and colourful things around us also motivate us while work.
All these office products are must-have products from IMFPA and their necessary for an easy and relaxed workflow at home too.
The setup of a desk for a hassle free work from home experience.
It is very essential that you have a comfortable work from home setup at your home for a hassle free day at work.
These MFPA work accessories can also be used in office on your desk as soon as the doors of the corporate offices reopen again!

These office desk accessories, offered by MFPA can be used in office as well as on your work from home desk. These office accessories ensure the easy and seamless flow of your work. These desk accessories by MFPA not only make your work from home life easy but also beautify your work table. Shop these office table accessories by MFPA today and make your work from home life easier and prettier.


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